Welcome! My name is Abby. I live in St. Paul, MN and I am currently a student in the coding and web
development bootcamp through
the University of Minnesota. I love creative projects that involve using your imagination along with crititcal
thinking. I consider
my creativty to be one of my most influential strengths that will aid in my success to becoming a developer
and for the rest of my
career. Not only am I very creative, but also very analytical. Problem solving and challenges are what drive
I have a strong interest in UI/UX Design. I am an artist and I have spent years learning the in's and out's of
programs such as Adobe
Photoshop and other photo/video editing softwares as well. These skills have taught me a lot of what goes into
digital art and design
and gives me a great foundation to work off of. I'm very passionate about learning and finding new ways to
challenge myself in my work.
I look forward to all the new experiences and opportunities that lie ahead!